Monday, October 6, 2008

Daily routines

I thought I'd explain a little bit about what I do in a typical day.
A typical day begins at around 7am...well I guess if I'm honest probably closer to 7:20, and breakfast starts at 7:30. At 8:15 I start cleaning the dining hall bathroom, and our first lecture starts at 9am. We have two 45 minute lectures and at then a 20 minute tea/coffee break. After that we have interactive groups until 11:45. An interactive group is about 9-10 students, usually from the same geographical location. (my group is entirely Washingtonians since we are the second biggest group of students, Alberta being ahead of us) It is a student lead group, similar to a bible study, but can also be fun-filled. We had our first one today, and spent most of it just getting to know each other better and talking about what we wanted our group to look like. After interactive group we have one more lecture till 12:45 and then it's lunch time! After lunch we have free-time from 2-5:45. We can do pretty much anything we want in this time, such as: study, play sports, go on walks, read, play games, on different days there are buses available to Carnforth the nearby town, and Lancaster, the nearest bigger city. Tea(dinner) is at 5:45 and then we have two lectures from 7-9. After evening lectures we have till 10:45 then we have to be in our dorms. That's a typical day in my life.


Alyssa said...

Wow, sounds fun....and pretty busy too. Going into the city sounds like it would be quite the adventure. You should take some pics and facebook em for all us back here sometime. =)

Haha, 'tea time'. See you're becoming all English already. =)


Daveeed said...

Jolly good of you to post a spot there bloke. Nice to know too that you're getting out a bit. Hope the morning mush is tastier than reported to your mum n' I by Pastor Jan!

We love you lots n' miss you more!
