Sunday, November 30, 2008


Some musings about another birthday that has rapidly come upon me.
19 is such a small number when compared to eternity, but it’s no less important. It’s still a year God has given. A year full of new love, lessons, pain and hurt, redemption, growth, failure and triumph. New adventures will begin and the end of current ones will come oh so quickly, new friendships will begin and the ends of others shall come. There are so many questions still to be answered, so many things to learn, and to accomplish. So much will try to distract and derail one who is trying to follow a difficult path. But I must keep a hold tight on the one who has gone before me and walks alongside holding my hand, for He will hold me up when I stumble, be a light for my feet to follow when I begin to lose my way. He will be a strong shoulder to lean on when my legs grow faint, and the provider of sustenance when my body longs for nourishment. There is no obstacle to big, or complicated that can fool Him, no enemy who can ever defeat Him, and none more zealous for my success.

Monday, November 10, 2008

Life...part 2

Some thoughts about that oh so great adventure we live: Life is so fragile and uncertain. We never know when our health will crash or the spark of life will leave our bodies. There is only one certain thing, God is faithful and gracious. He gives us the strength to continue on through any difficulty, trouble, or situation. He lifts us up on wings like eagles and shows us the bigger picture. Tells us He loves us, and holds us in His strong and safe arms. All we have to do is make the choice to run into them. 

Sunday, November 2, 2008

life...part 1

Over a month has slipped through the passages of bustling hallways since I left my home. It seems like just a week ago that I was saying good by to my friends and family, but now as I have a weekend of peace, while the majority of students are away on travel weekend, I can stop and think about what has happened in the month that has fallen into the past. 
When you leave home, all alone, everything can be so overwhelming and sometimes scary. The flood of new faces, places and facts can overload a human brain. The daily pouring of knowledge, facts, relationship building, studying, and everything else that floods a person when they are surrounded by 180 other people and a million different activities and opportunities to choose from can be very tiring. A weekend off can make all the difference. Having the entire castle almost entirely empty and being able to relax for once, brings a much needed sense of peace.